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the one place i want to go...

June 25, 2012
within the next five years i hope that my blog can grow and be a part time job. in order to do that i wish i could attend a blog conference called Alt summit.  this is unfortunately not in my near future so therefore i all have to stick to their amazing online classes.

i really hope to take growing readership, graphic design for bloggers, and blogging 101: basics for getting a head start. hopefully i get into 2 of these classes for free because of bing! #thanksbing for providing this opportunity!

hope everyone got over the mondays. 

now off to do the work i have been putting off for weeks. ahhh i hate when i put it off until the last minute.


  1. Hi there! I was just checking out some of the blogs from the blog roll (from the growing readership class). I signed up for the graphic design for bloggers too, and am now kicking myself because something came up and I had to miss it! I logged in and downloaded what they left, though, so I'm hoping that will teach me something. I'd like to make it to a conference someday, too, but in the meantime, online classes it is!

    1. hey! i was signed up for graphic design for bloggers and completely missed it! i was so bummed. i got swept away on a day date with the mister and completely forgot about it!

      i hope to go to the conference but i would need to set up a charity fund to get me there, at least right now i would. going over to your blog now
